new pad

My justification in getting it has to do with starting a uni course shortly, but I really think I’ll use it most for blogging and reading the paper!

I have been dreading going back to work for at least a week now. My new year’s resolution was to be more positive about the whole work situation and not let the situation reflect badly on me professionally. I certainly do plan to do that, but it is just the anticipation of being there that is difficult. 

Added to this, I have an awful lot of work to complete in a short time frame that I know willow be pleasant. I know in myself I will get it do me and be happy with the results, but I’ve got a long way to go baby.

I really enjoyed my summer break this year. We spend some much needed time with family and pottering around our house. I know once the work year resumes it will be crazy until Easter (when I plan to have some more time off to visit a new niece arriving around then and my other ices for their 1st/4th birthdays). 

I am eagerly awaiting the course outline for my first unit of the study I will undertake. I’m keen to see how I cope with it all as well as the usual load I endure. I really feel its important for me to do something like this for me. It’s been a while that I hasn’t been for the kids, family or husband. I have confident in myself, but I’m sure that will wane as it gets to assessment time.


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